A Clean Sweep

Well its that time of year again. Too quickly has it been and gone. A lot of fishing was lost due to the inclement weather and that wasn't the only bad news we as a region suffered I refer you of course to Andy Larkins and his clean sweep.

First up was the Region 30/60 Annual Pike Quiz. Won by Mr. Larkins with a single solitary point separating first and second place. Despite numerous recounts because I was that second place the result stood. 

Next up was the MKF Dave Padgeham Memorial Pike Cup. The boy only went and won that as well. Roving about like a man possessed with his lure rod winkling them out from under our feet. 

"Allright mate hows it going?" said Andy
"Hard mate but I just seen a swirl under that tree there so I've put a bait there." I replied
"Oh good luck mate" He said and dropped in next door.
Splash! the coont cast right up to my float. Fish on! Fish landed! May the poaching twonks bed be infested with a thousand fleas.

Credit where credits due though he worked hard at it all day and was richly rewarded with first prize

Andy with the MKF cup presented by K. Durman

Next up was our Regional Fish In. This was held at Cottington Lakes and needless to say Andy's victory here gave him the coveted treble. And there the story ends! Or at least should do but I feel that its only fair that you our loyal and friendly Regional Members are aware of ALL the events that day.

Andy had worked hard securing the event and had phoned me the previous evening to discuss the venue. Now it is well known that Andy was a past member many years ago so knows the waters well. We was not put off by this because a bait is a bait and presented in the right way in the right area will get you a Pike regardless of who you are or what you may know. What isn't so well known is what the complex contains. As stated previously we have close ties with the owners and indeed fish with them at other locations so we are kept in the loop with what is coming out. We are also kept in the loop with who fishes there. We have been told who has been visiting and it reads like a who's who of the piking world. Now this was top of the agenda during our previous evenings discussion. We knew what lake these people were fishing but decided that we wasn't going to jump onto their coat tails but rather go for a harder lake which we know has thrown up some big fish in the past. This would also give us easier access to the Dykes which criss cross the complex if we wished.
"Not much there though." Said Andy
"Oh well mate it doesn't matter we got the lake so we'll sit it out and see. Its all about the craic" I replied.

At this point Andy told me about the huge Roach in the bait freezers at the onsite tackle shop. They were the best that he had ever seen and I'd be an idiot if I didn't get some. More about that in a while.

Duly turned up at said shop the following morning. Pleasantries said and  dispensed with Paul the Guvnor and I turned to the bait freezer. 

"Can I have a couple of packets of these top Roach I've been hearing about?"
"No sorry mate we run out."
"Andy said that you would have some out the back."
"Yes we did but they've gone as well."
"Oh well just my luck.......Erm just out of interest who bought them all?"
"Andy." He replied almost apologetically but I know John he's a coont kinda way.

After a discussion over breakfast it was decided that we would fish the lake we knew contained the known big fish that had put an appearance in the year before. I was pegged next to Griff. It wasn't long before we witnessed Andy winkling one out of the Dyke. You remember the Dyke the place that didn't have a lot in. It wasn't long before we witnessed Andy winkle another one out of the Dyke. You remember the Dyke that didn't have a lot in. By this time me and Griff decided to drop a rod into the Dyke but our drop offs were motionless as we watched Andy winkle yet another one out of the Dyke that didn't have a lot in. It was then that we saw what he was doing. Wobbled fecking Roach! The Roach he cleared out lol. To be fair he did give me a packet when we packed up which was nice of him and very useful after the comp had finished the twonk. 

Yep the boy done good. His name is now on the trophy that me and Griff consider ours. Oh well it'll come home next year. All joking aside mate well done from all of us it was a good year for you and well deserved.

Andy with the Regional PAC Cup