Was it Windy!

Despite torrential rain and storm force winds, six brave souls ventured-out for the annual
PAC Region 30/60 “Fish-In” on the River Stour.

After dodging fallen bough's and the occasional wheelie bin on our travels to the venue, we were relieved to find some degree of “shelter” behind the high South bank at Grove Ferry (although Nick’s umbrella decided to disintegrated during a particular nasty downpour…. Ha!) . Editors Note: Good! lol
Unfortunately, and somewhat predictably, the dismal weather/river conditions reflected in the
fishing, with only a single fish landed, falling to the rod of Neil Griffiths. Well done “Griffs”, soon to be the proud holder of the shiny new Region 30/60 “Fish-In” Shield, kindly donated to the region by one of our members…. More importantly however, is a year’s supply of bragging-rights!

Once again, many thanks go to Canterbury and District Angling Association for kindly allowing us to hold the event on their water. Full membership details can be found by visiting