December 8th 2011 – Guest Speaker’s: Steve "Spike" Gould & John Synnuck

December’s meeting; we are very privileged to welcome two very prolific predator anglers to the Canterbury/Thanet PAC Region 30/60 Presenting their talk and slide show…..
Foreign Predators”.

From running the very successful and proactive Thames Gateway Region, R/O of the year, Steve”Spike”Gould and PAC Chairman John Synnuck, recall accounts of their international fishing adventures in search of some truly awesome predators of warmer climes. Featuring species such as; stunning Mandarin Catfish of the River Ebro, the brutally hard fighting Giant Trevally (GT’s) of the Christmas Island, along with fearsome Alligator Gars, and the hugely desirable Indian Masheer.

Meeting starts at 7.30 pm with the talk kicking-off at approximately 8pm

PAC members £2
Non-members £3

Location (as usual)

Canterbury and District Angling Association
Riversdale, 14 Mill Road, Sturry
Kent, CT2 0AF